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Solar PV Cleaning
Other EDS systems
Potiential Investors
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Potential Investors
Poly-Adaptive, LLC has the sole license to commercialize the EDS technology and as a startup company is now searching for venture capital. We feel that this is an exciting opportunity to invest in a company whose product simply sells itself. The wonder and excitement that the EDS has brought to hundreds of researchers, scientists and engineers over the years will soon be commonplace in the market.
As a startup company Poly-Adaptive is very fortunate of have members with years of business experience:
Charles R. Linn
is a Managing Member of Poly Adaptive and has 30+ years executive and operations management with several ventures. He raised $30+ million in venture capital and grew sales in one venture from $8 million to $20 million in 3 years. He has served as Air Force lieutenant colonel, command pilot, and operations at the Pentagon.
Michael B. Miller
is the Chief Financial Officer and a Managing Member of Poly-Adaptive. He has 25+ years as a business executive, lecturer, and consultant to Poly Adaptive. One of his notable achievements was helping the founding members of Outback Steakhouse® acquire their startup funds.
Poly-Adaptive is actively seeking customers and partners such as:
SMIT – Sustainably Minded Interactive Technology makers of Solar Ivy and has become a recognized pioneer in the sustainable design community. SMIT's design work has been widely exhibited and published, and is included in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Stellar Sun - Stellar Sun is a wholly owned subsidiary of Natural Environments, inc. located in Little Rock, Arkansas. Stellar Sun provides solar electric and solar hot water system equipment, along with design and engineering consulting and installation assistance. With over thirty years experience in the renewable energy industry and related construction activities, Stellar Sun provides the proper solution for project requirements as well as NABCEP certification.
Arkansas Science and Technology Authority – Received endorsement by this Authority for these research activities and expressed interest in funding Phase III of this effort through their Technology Development Program (TDP) and their Seed Capital Investment Program (SCIP) and could invest $250,000 up to $500,000.
Poly-Adaptive has won 2 SBIRs from both NASA and the DOT to further advance the technology. We have also been pledged additional funding by the state of Arkansas in excess of $1M pending the outcome of Phase II grants in the summer of 2013. Thus Poly-Adaptive, LLC is more than just a group of Ph.D.’s playing with fancy technology; we are also backed up with a solid commercialization plan and the experience necessary to carry it out successfully.
Poly Adaptive  
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